Nominate your ‘Women in the Arts’

A message from the Editor, Maria Roberts.

Maria Roberts

Hello IAM readers!

We’re planning a special edition in April with a major emphasis on ‘women in the arts’. This will appear in Issue 8 of the magazine and will be distributed at Malmö/Copenhagen 2015 ISPA Congress. (You don’t need to be going to ISPA to qualify.)

I find that most pitches we receive at IAM promote men in the industry – so this is your chance to nominate yourself or some fabulous female colleagues! We’ve had a great response already, hearing from women from as far afield as Palestine, Lebanon, India, the US, Israel, and Australia.

I’m looking for outstanding and interesting women: not just artists and performers, but anyone working in the sector across admin roles, backstage, front-of-house, directors, artist managers, architects, sound technicians, you get the picture. We’re looking for a mixture of well-known names and newbies too.

Why are we doing this?

International Women’s Day may be over, but we work in this sector every single day. I regularly attend seminars like this ‘Doing Business in the Middle East’ event pictured in the photo. Yes, that’s me behind the camera, invisible. When I attend networking events I’m shocked by just how few women I see there!

Likewise, I’m shocked that so few newcomers have their voices heard at events proclaiming to be ‘looking towards the future’.

What is this, 1955?

Men at a conference

At IAM we want to see more women coming forward to tell us their news, we want more conferences to engage more women speakers, and we want this to happen consistently across the board. This year, next year, every year – we know women are doing a fantastic job, we just wonder why we only get to hear about them during International Women’s Day?

Learn more about the magazine by browsing through the website and please send a paragraph nominating the women you’d like to see featured to by 31 March.

(We’ve had an overwhelming response, so if I don’t get back to you straightaway, this is why.)

I’m looking forward to hearing from you!

Maria Roberts
