Five German orchestras rewarded for ‘artistic excellence’

A federal programme that aims to promote excellency among German orchestras has just handed out five major grants. The five orchestras to benefit are Bochum Symphony Orchestra, Hamburg Symphony Orchestra, Munich Symphony Orchestra, Stuttgart Philharmonic, Jenaer Philharmonie and Südwestdeutsche Philharmonie.

The project is part of a federal effort to strengthen the German orchestral landscape. German orchestras are on the UNESCO world cultural heritage list, and are also a major employer and tourist attraction.

Each orchestra will receive up to €500,000, which can be spent on programme development and education activities. The money is available over the next five years.

In order to apply for the funds, orchestras must prove they have the potential for ‘artistic excellence’. The five orchestras must also work with one another to share resources and jointly implement projects.

A further €400,000 is available for the promotion of ‘personal excellence’ among orchestral musicians. This money can be spent on bonuses, salaries and other reward schemes that encourage artistic development.