Creative Industries Federation’s second anniversary party

The who’s who of the UK’s arts and creative industry world will come together tonight at a party to celebrate the second anniversary celebration of the Creative Industries Federation (CIF), taking place at the new Design Museum in London (9 Jan). The occasion will also be an opportunity to say a fond farewell to John Sorrell, founder of CIF, who prepares to stand down as CIF chair this year.

Hundreds of guests will be addressed by Greg Clark, UK secretary of state for business, energy and industrial strategy; Karen Bradley, UK secretary of state for culture, media and sport; Fiona Hyslop, cabinet secretary for culture, tourism and external affairs in the Scottish Government, and Sadiq Khan, Mayor of London.

Luminaries on the party list include Darren Henley, chief executive, Arts Council England; Sir Nicholas Kenyon, managing director, Barbican; Lord Hall, director-general, BBC; Amanda Nevill, chief executive, British Film Institute; Nick Allott, managing director, Cameron Mackintosh; David Abraham, chief executive, Channel 4; Rosy Greenlees, executive director, Crafts Council; Janet Archer, chief executive, Creative Scotland; Chris Cotton, chief executive, Royal Albert Hall; Alex Beard, chief executive, Royal Opera House; and Alistair Spalding, chief executive and artistic director, Sadler’s Wells.

CIF chief executive John Kampfner commented: ‘When we were founded two years ago, we pledged to put the arts, creative industries and cultural education at the heart of government thinking so it is good to welcome high-level representation from across all levels of government – and all parts of the United Kingdom.

‘This year, Brexit will pose many challenges but also opportunities,’ he added. ‘We believe the creative sector can play an important part in the creation of new jobs, in building the new shared society which the Prime Minister is outlining today and in forging a new positive identity for Britain. We look forward to continuing our engagement with politicians of all parties on this and other key issues including the new industrial strategy.’

The party will include performances from Company Wayne McGregor as well as up-and-coming talent – saxophonist Caitlin Laing from the Royal Northern College of Music in Manchester and Gnoss, an Orcadian folk duo currently studying at the Royal Scottish Conservatoire in Glasgow.

The event is supported by Google, Parabola Bar Cafe Restaurant, Saxton Bampfylde, The Hospital Club, Visions Group.

Follow the action on Twitter @Creative_Fed #FedParty