Vivaldi’s Four Seasons reimagined by new app

Deutsche Grammophon and UK-based developers Touch Press have teamed up to create a new app exploring Vivaldi’s classic work, The Four Seasons.

The app includes two recordings of the four movements – the Vivaldi original conducted by Trevor Pinnock, and Max Richter’s Recomposed version performed by British violinist Daniel Hope.

Screenshot from the Vivaldi Four Seasons app

Users can switch between three simultaneous video feeds of Daniel Hope and Max Richter performing Recomposed.

Read: 4 of the best classical music apps 

The app includes the BeatMap visualisation feature previously seen on Beethoven’s 9th Symphony, the last collaboration between Deutsche Grammophon and Touch Press.

BeatMap allows users to isolate an individual section of the orchestra to listen to their playing in more detail.

Screenshot from Vivaldi's Four Seasons app

The app also comes with embedded video commentary and in-depth analysis of the score by journalist Charlotte Gardner.

Vivaldi’s Four Seasons is available for iPad from the iTunes store.