Theatre could be flush with cash

Kings Theatre in Portsmouth could soon be flush with cash after it launched a new crowd-funding campaign to improve its toilets. The ‘give pounds to spend a penny’ scheme is run through Crowdfunder’s website, with a GBP15,000 (€19,200) goal.

Famous actors and comedians such as Lisa Riley, Dillie Keane, Anita Harris and Hugh Dennis have thrown their backing behind the project, via a video on the theatre’s website.

‘In Edwardian times toilets weren’t important,’ said Kings Theatre trustee Robin Lander Brinkley. ‘Our audiences are crying out for new loos. We desperately need to bring our toilets into the 21st century.’

It is part of a wider scheme called The Big Project that will see the entire 1,600-seat grade II*-listed theatre renovated. The seats in the theatre itself will be altered to give audiences greater leg room, new lifts will be installed, and the bar and foyer areas will be modernised.

The project also aims to increase the theatre’s engagement with Portsmouth and the wider community. New spaces for artists in residence are intended, and there are also plans for more exhibition and community events.

The theatre has already secured half the funding for the toilet improvements, and hopes to raise the Crowdfunding portion by 18 July. So far 40 people have pledged their support, with a variety of gifts available for contributors. More information on the campaign is available at the Crowdfunder website.