SunPAC takes performing arts to the suburbs

Sunnybank Performing Arts Centre (SunPAC) has opened in Brisbane, Australia, with a mission of taking performing arts to the city’s suburbs. The AUD10m (€7m) project officially opened with a free community day on 15 October.

The facility includes a 300-seat theatre, a rehearsal room, as well as prop and storage facilities. It was jointly funded by AUD5m from Brisbane City Council and AUD5m from Sunnybank Rugby Union Club Ltd. It will be used for concerts, exhibitions and community events.

‘SunPAC offers the communities of Sunnybank and surrounds the opportunity to see arts and cultural activity not far from their front door,’ said SunPAC executive producer Sarah Boon in an interview with The Courier Mail. ‘As well as exploring the cultural diversity of our neighbourhood, we are also interested in the connections between sports/physical activities and performance experiences.’

Upcoming performances include Capa Dance (12 November), Over There – Our Wars In Hit Song And Stories (18 November), and The Spirit of Christmas (16 December).