Royal Scottish National Orchestra creates digital role

The Royal Scottish National Orchestra has created a new role that will coordinate the organisation’s digital projects and discover new ways to engage with audiences across Scotland.

BAFTA-nominated digital developer Neil Cullen has been appointed to the position of digital projects coordinator.

The new appointment will focus on creating new platforms and resources for reaching more classical music fans, as well as engage the orchestra members in digital activities.

The role also includes producing a programme of initiatives with schools and communities across the country through the use of new technology and interactive media, both online and through workshops.

One of the first initiatives is a series of workshops for new bands whose music spans multiple genres, including pop, folk and indie. These comprise of mentoring sessions with RSNO musicians, supplemented with digital resources and online support for young musicians who wish to employ orchestration in their own original material.

RSNO director of learning and engagement Jenn Minchin said: ‘The RSNO is on the cusp of significant change as we prepare to move to our new, purpose-built home in the centre of Glasgow. We plan to engage with audiences and communities in new and exciting ways and the arrival of Neil will help us deliver ever more sophisticated methods of reaching new audiences and broadening our relevance in this increasingly digital age.’