Lin-Manuel Miranda launches new theatre directory RISE

Adding to his impressive credentials, Hamilton star Lin-Manuel Miranda has announced the creation of RISE (Representation, Inclusion & Support for Employment) Theatre Directory, a national personnel directory for underrepresented theatre professionals. 

Launched in partnership with the non-profit Maestra Music, RISE Theatre Directory adds to Miranda’s extensive efforts to increase the visibility of underrepresented groups in theatre, acting as a tool to locate professionals from diverse backgrounds. Far from actors alone, the directory encompasses roles across theatrical productions, including choreographers, costume designers, directors, producers and a myriad of other positions. To be listed, actors must have one verifiable production credit but registration requires little else. 

Miranda hopes that the directory will help to level the playing field for underrepresented groups in the sector and act as a resource for those in leadership positions to look beyond the traditional talent pool to staff productions. 

Supporting the creation of an inclusive performing arts sector is a cause IAM champions and RISE represents another innovative idea working to transform the industry.