Incorporated Society of Musicians launches #FreeMoveCreate

125-year-old institution, the Incorporated Society of Musicians (ISM), has put a call out for support for the launch of #FreeMoveCreate, a collaborative campaign to protect freedom of movement for everyone working in the creative industries.

Deborah Annetts, founder of ‘Free Move Create’ and chief executive of ISM, said: “Our surveys conducted just after the results of the EU referendum, along with discussion with our members, uncovered the number one priority for working musicians: freedom of movement across all European countries.

“Results showed that close on 60% of musicians placed maintaining freedom of movement as their number one priority. Our members travel to Europe upwards of 26 times a year, and the average tour length is seven days but some members are there for 60 days at a time. Our research shows that visas are not the solution and can cause even more problems.

“The issue of freedom of movement is not limited to just musicians – it affects everyone who works in the creative industries, including actors, artists, dancers, directors and technicians.”

At the event, a-n The Artists Information Company, will share the latest findings of its Brexit Survey and the Incorporated Society of Musicians will share the latest findings of its survey of the music workforce.

In its manifesto the #FreeMoveCreate campaign says it will:

  • Inform allies, including industry organisations, of the importance of free movement to individuals working in the creative industries;
  • Lobby Government and Parliament about the importance of freedom of movement for individual artists, self-employed artists, and other creative professionals,
  • Arm creators and freelancers in the creative industries with the facts and figures needed to make the case,
  • Assist creators and individuals working in the creative industries in supporting sister campaigns and engaging with decisionmakers.

Added Annetts: “Freedom of movement is vital to our creative industries. We urge everyone who works in these crucial industries – whatever your trade might be – to sign up to Free Move Create when it launches on Wednesday.”

The event will take place from 3.30pm to 4.30pm, 12 July, at The Court Room, Toynbee Studios, 28 Commercial Street, London, E1 6AB. To register your interest RSVP to