Climate and culture debate in London

Julie’s Bicycle in partnership with Arts Council England are hosting a day long event that will examine how culture can impact the climate debate. Titled We Make Tomorrow, it takes place at The Royal Geographical Society in London on 26 February.

Speakers and panellists at We Make Tomorrow include Tate Modern director Frances Morris, musician and producer Brian Eno, economist Kate Raworth and musician Drillminister. Performers include visual artist Zadie Xa, poet Bhanu Kapil and composer Jamie Perera.

Panel and talk titles include ‘Extracting Ourselves: Changing a System’, ‘Voice From The Creative Climate Movement’, and a workshop titled ‘Making The Donut Real’.

One of the highlights will be a performance titled Climate Symphony. The piece combines visual climate data with music, “to tell the story of what climate change means”. Featuring music from Perera, Climate Symphony is directed by Leah Borromeo and Katharine Round.

The full programme is available via the Julie’s Bicycle website.